
I've been a software engineer working in web development for roughly 13 years. I started in the LAMP stack (ain't that a throwback), and have lived through the evolution of the industry.

This website was written in rust and then in go because I am literally a fuckup.

The code for the website can be found here. The other versions are also in there. At this exact time, I'm still using the rust CLI which I may change in the future if there's a markdown renderer in golang that's customizable enough to make me want to switch for it.

The current theming was colored using the fabulous carbonfox theme which is a part of nightfox. This is seriously the best theme of all time.

The current favicon can be found here.

If you have a comment on a page you can create a discussion here. This is probably using discussions wrong, but I'll let GH tell me that.

Welcome to my website! I like to program.